OnePlus One
How To Install TWRP Custom Recovery on OnePlus One
How to install a custom Recovery on your OnePlus One. The OnePlus One has been a highly requested phone this year because of high-end specifications...
Install Fully Working OnePlus One Camera on Nexus 5
Install fully working ported OnePlus One camera app on the Nexus 5. The OnePlus One was one of the most successful devices of 2014...
Install Smooth Scrolling Mod On OnePlus One
Download and install smooth scrolling mod on your OnePlus One and fix scrolling lag problem. As you all might now, some applications lag a...
How To Fix Screen Ghost Touches On OnePlus One
How to solve screen ghost touches sensitivity problem on the OnePlus One. Even though this phone has the best possible specifications for the price, it...
You Will Be Able To Buy OnePlus One Without Invite Soon
OnePlus will be removing the invite system very soon and will replace it with a pre-order one. This means you can finally buy your...
Fix OnePlus One Stuck At Boot Screen Logo (Bootloop)
How to fix your OnePlus One stuck at the boot screen logo animation. When the phone is stuck at the Android screen, it is...
How To Install OnePlus Firmware & Return To Stock
Learn how to flash and install OnePlus firmware and return it to stock factory settings. Installing a custom ROM on your phone can be a lot of...
How To Unlock OnePlus One Bootloader & Reset Tamper Flags
How to reset OnePlus One tamper flags and how to unlock the bootloader without wiping data. On most Android devices you have to unlock the...