Download all Galaxy S5 Features on the Galaxy S3

Download all Galaxy S5 features like S5 Settings UI, One Handed Usage, Lock screen, Smart scroll, Ultra Power Saving Mode, Download Booster, ToolBox and more on your Samsung Galaxy S3 now. Samsung decided not to update the S3 to latest version of Android, KitKat because apparently it doesn’t have the right hardware.

Samsung says the S3 isn’t able to handle KitKat because it has only 1 GB of RAM, even though KitKat is designed to work on devices with 512 MB of RAM. The reason for this is because Touchwiz is very heavy bloated. Fortunately, developers have ported the KitKat firmware to the S3 and you can enjoy all the S5 features.


To get all the features on your phone, you have to install KitKat port. Installation link.

Here is a list of what’s working:

– S5 Settings UI
– One Handed Operation
– S5 Lock screen
– Smart scroll
– S5 Ultra Power Saving Mode
– S5 Download Booster
– ToolBox
– Easy Mode Launcher

Download applications and features here. Download the zip files, put them in your phone and flash them through Recovery Mode. Reboot your device and all features should be installed.
