How To Enable/Install Android L Navigation Bar

Download and install new Android L navigation bar on Android devices. Android L brings a new navigation bar with new icons which have the following shapes: Triangle, Circle and Square. It is a nice change that Android L has brought besides the better performance thanks to ART runtime system, Power Saving Mode options and redesigned user interface.

Thanks to a Xposed Module, now you can download and enable the new Android L navigation bar on your device too which is running an older version of Android. Follow the guide below to learn how to get the new navigation bar of Android L on your device.



– Rooted Device

– Xposed Framework installed (link)

– Xposed Module (link)

Also Read: How To Download and Install Full Android L Theme


1. Download and install Android L Navigation Bar Xposed Module.

2. Open Xposed Settings and find the installed module.

3. Once you have found it, select and enable it.

4. Reboot your phone in order for the mod to work.
