Enable iOS Emoji on Samsung Galaxy S4 KitKat

Now that the Samsung Galaxy S4 got updated to Android 4.4.2 KitKat, it fully supports emoji. Basically, Emoji makes those little smiley faces look better. On Android 4.3, the smiley faces were only black and didn’t look very good. Now, thanks to Emoji, they look a lot better and more beautiful.

The good thing is that you can change the way the smiley faces look. You can change them with other ones. A recent Samsung firmware update replaced stock Google KitKat Emoji with Samsung’s own smiley faces.  They are a little different. You can easily download the font for both of them.


If you want, you can download iOS Emoji for your Galaxy S4 too. Download, Samsung, Google and iOS Part 1 & Part 2 Emoji. To enable them, first of all make sure you have root access. Then, extract the downloaded files and copy them to System > Fonts. The extracted files should have .ttf extension.

For iOS Emoji, extract part 1 and part 2 and then copy both files to Fonts folder and reboot your phone. Now, new smileys should be enabled.
