Daily Picks


Download Hill Climb Racing for Windows Phone devices

Windows Phone devices are always getting more and more popular games from Android and iOS platforms. This time, the popular game which became available...

KitKat Logo Boot Animation for Nexus 5

Nexus 5 has a cool stock boot animation logo. It is a small circle with different colors which represent Google's name colors. If you...

Get creative with your favorite Disney characters with Infinity Action

Do you remember Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean, Sulley from Monsters Inc. and Mr. Incredible from The Incredibles? With your creativity you...

Most Reported Nexus 5 Problems and Issues

It is known now that first batches of Nexus devices have a few problems and issues. Some are small and don't affect the user...

Samsung might use metal frame for the upcoming Galaxy S5

One of the biggest complaints that users have about Samsung Galaxy S devices is their plastic body and cheap feeling. Samsung has used fake...