
How To Get Android 5.0 Lollipop Navigation & Status Bar Icons On All Devices

Since Android 5.0 Lollipop was released a few  months ago, every one is trying with all possibilities to get pieces of the new OS...

Install Galaxy Note 4 Launcher Theme on Galaxy S5

If you have a Samsung Galaxy S5, you can install the full Samsung Galaxy Note 4 theme. Since the official released of the Samsung...

Change Icons and Name of Apps With Xposed Framework

There are a lot of ways to change applications icons on Android devices. You can change them by installing a custom launcher that supports...

Remove Generic Contact Icons With Random Beautiful Ones

On your smartphone, you have the ability to change icons of your contacts. You put a photo of the person or whatever you want....

How to Make the Galaxy S3 Look Like a Galaxy S5 (Full Theme)

Here is the full guide to make your Galaxy S3 software look like the new Samsung Galaxy S5.  The Galaxy S5 has a new...

2014 Touchwiz UI Coming with a New Amazing Design

Touchwiz is one of the most popular launchers in the world. It is mainly used by Samsung smartphones and especially by flagshpip devices such...