Download and install Sony Xperia Z2 Google Play Edition boot animation on your original Xperia Z2. Google Play Edition devices have a different boot animation than the one the manufactures put in their original devices. The same thing is with the Xperia Z2 GPE. The boot animation is different and some people may prefer it over the original one.
If you like the second boot animation that Google puts in the device, don’t worry. You can get the GPE boot animation on your original Xperia Z2 device too. A Z2 user has successfully managed to make the GPE boot animation available on the OG Z2.
There are two ways of installing it: With Recovery or without recovery.
To install it without recovery, you have to download the boot animation here, copy and paste it to System > Media and set the right permissions as usual.
To install it through recovery, download the file here and simply flash it after you’ve booted your Xperia Z2 into Recovery Mode. Enjoy the new boot animation. (Thread)