
Walkman Music Player Goes Material (8.5.A.2.7 APK)

Android 5.0 Lollipop is 6 months old already. Many flagship devices have already received the Lollipop update including the Google Nexus 5, Nexus 4,...

Install CyanogenMod 12 ROM & Gapps on OnePlus One

Google released factory images for a few Nexus devices few days ago. Everyone who has a Nexus device and hasn't received the Lollipop update...

Nokia HERE Maps Gets Updated With Lollipop Support and Cache Bug Fix

Nokia HERE maps has received positive opinions since HERE released the app for Android and made it available for all devices. At first, HERE...

Will Towelroot Ever Support Your Phone Update

If you have at least tried once to root your Android smartphone, you have come across Towelroot. Towelroot is probably one of the quickest,...

Moto Devices Receiving Android 5.0 Lollipop: Official List

Motorola announced the Nexus 6 in collaboration with Google. The long-awaited device comes with plethora of improved and better specs compared to the Nexus 5...