
Dual Boot Multiple ROMs on Nexus 6 With MultiROM

MultiROM, the most popular mod for Android devices has finally landed on Google's flagship device, the Nexus 6. You can finally install MultiROM on...

Dual Boot OxygenOS ROM on OnePlus One With MultiROM

If you are a proud owner of the popular phone OnePlus One, often called as the "flagship killer", you know about the latest ROM...

Flash & Boot Multiple ROMs on Xperia Z1 with MultiROM

Among all the things that you can do with your Xperia Z1 device, one of the best experiences is installing a brand fresh ROM with...

Install MultiROM and Boot Multiple ROMs on Xperia ZL

Installing multiple ROMs at the same time and choosing which one to boot can be easier than you think. To install many ROMs on...

How To Boot Multiple ROMs on LG G2 With MultiROM

Another Android device has joined the MultiROM family and this time it is the LG G2. MultiROM is a unique tool or program that...

How To Dual Boot ROMs on HTC One M8 (MultiROM)

How to install MultiROM and boot multiple ROMs on your HTC One M8. MultiROM is becoming more and more popular as everyday more developers...

How To Install MultiROM on OnePlus One & Boot Multiple ROMs

How to install MultiROM on your OnePlus One and boot multiple custom ROMs.  If you want to dual-boot or multi boot custom ROMs on...

What Is MultiROM And How To Use It On Nexus 5

MultiROM is a multi-boot mode for Nexus 5. It can boot not only stock Android ROMs but also other operating systems like Ubuntu Touch, once...