Sony Xperia Z teardown done,not very difficult

The Sony Xperia Z is well known for its water and dust resistance, but if you are going to disassemble it just because something on the motherboard is malfunctioning, that won’t be a problem.

Rounded has already disassembled it and showed us that it wasn’t a difficult task to do.


To disasemble your Xperia Z you will need some tools.The required tools are:

*A Phillips 1.5×45 screwdriver
*A pincet
*A hair drier
*A suction cup.
*A scraping tool of some sort is also required.

Oh,and after you fix the problem, make sure to put it back again properly so it will be dust and waterproof again. If you don’t put the phone back properly, I have some bad news for you.
