Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Launcher & Magazine Home for Galaxy S3

You can download and install Galaxy Note 3 launcher and magazine home if you  have a Samsung Galaxy S3 with Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. The Galaxy Note 3 launcher is an improvement over Galaxy S4’s launcher as it brings new options and a changed navigation bar on both the home screen and app drawer. There is also better optimization and RAM consumption is very small.

The program has been successfully ported from a Note 3 Android 4.3 firmware and you can install it on your GS3. It also includes Magazine Home app and weather widget. The app has also been updated and now it doesn’t force close when you try to change the lock screen wallpaper.



a) Your phone should be rooted and have root access.

b) Special file manager such as ES File Manager.

c) Make a backup of current files that will be edited.

Downloads and How to Install

Download Samsung Galaxy Note launcher and Magazine Home app here and weather widget here.


1. Go to System > Framework and delete current files: weatherwidget.apk, weathermain.apk and seclauncher2.apk.

2. Turn off your GS3 and put it in Recovery Mode (Power + Home + Volume Up buttons).

3. Inside Recovery Mode wipe cache and dalvik cache. This will prevent possible bootloops.

4. Select Install zip file, find the downloaded files and flash them.

5. Reboot your phone. Enjoy
