Root Achieved For All LG G4 Variants With Locked Bootloader

We haven’t seen many root methods for the LG G4 lately. LG has been silent regarding root solutions for its flagship device. Besides the international H815 LG G4, no other variant has root access.

Even on the LG G4, you need to have a custom recovery and an unlocked bootloader or you cannot root the phone. On the other hand, no other LG G4 variants have root at the moment. This is about to change thanks to developers over at LGVIET, who managed to root another LG G4 variant, with model number LG-F500K. Root was made possible on multiple firmwares: V10n, V10h and V10p.

According to the team, this method of rooting the LG G4 does not require an unlocked bootloader, meaning you can get root access on your device even if it has a locked bootloader. This is great news for everyone who wants root on their devices, not only on H815 but on other models as well, like LG-F500K.

This is a good thing because with this method, developers will be able to root all variants that LG G4 has. Unfortunately, LGVIET hasn’t released the root method yet because it is in the final phase of testing. Once it is released, expect root for your LG G4.

