Microsoft Journeys & Notes APK for Android Download and Install

Looks like Microsoft is doing an Android party! Even though the giant that has created the most popular operating system on the world has its own mobile OS called Windows Phone 8, it isn’t stopping it from creating and publishing apps on Android’s Play Store.

Previously, Microsoft published a lock screen app called “The Next Lock Screen”. It replaces your current lock screen app with another one which according to Microsoft, is much better.

Also Read: Microsoft “Next Lock Screen” APK Download & Install

It is designed for people who have busy lives and need a calendar and most used applications ready for work. It displays the most used applications on the lock screen so you can directly open them without having to go to the app drawer.

Microsoft launched another application called Journeys & Notes. It aims those people who travel a lot and also like to take notes. This app is a combination of social media and note apps.

Where ever you go, you can take a note about something. Then other people can see your note about that place. The note can be about everything. It can be your review about that place or even a warning.

journeys note microsoft apk android

Microsoft likes to describe the app this way:

  • Journeys & Notes unlocks a community of people who have traveled the path you’re on. The road may be long and lonely, but we help connect you with others along the journey. Leave behind notes for your fellow travelers to discover, or stumble across the serendipitous gems of wisdom shared by others.

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The app is available on the Play Store and you can download it right now for your Android device. It requires Android 2.3.3 Gingerbread and up.

Download Journeys and Notes app: link
