Install Stock AOSP Applications on Galaxy Note 3 KitKat

Stock Samsung applications have many useful features and options hat other applications don’t have. They are very useful for all those people who want to have many functionalities for their purposes, be it for business or school. Though they are very good, they slow down the phone because they use processor intensive resources which also drain the battery.

Stock AOSP apps have very simple user interfaces and aren’t very processor intensive. If you want, you can download stock AOSP Messaging, Dialer, Clock and Calculator apps now for your Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with KitKat 4.4.2 installed.


SMS Messaging app

Download SMS Messaging app here. To install it, copy the downloaded file to your phone’s storage, boot it into Recovery Mode and flash the zip file. Then reboot your phone. Before flashing the file, using a root explorer, go to System > Apps and make a backup of SecMms.apk file. In case that the flashed file doesn’t work, copy the original app to the original location.

Clock & Calculator App

Download clock application here and calculator here. To install these two applications you have to install them as normal application. Tap the apk file and select install. If that doesn’t work, go to System > App and paste the APKs there. Then set the right permissions and reboot the phone.

There you go guys. Stock AOSP applications for Galaxy Note 3 on KitKat. For any questions leave a comment down below.
