Install Galaxy S5 Kid Mode on Galaxy Note 3

Download and install Samsung Galaxy S5 Kid mode on your Galaxy Note 3. Kid mode is an interesting feature that Samsung introduced on the GS5. When this mode is activated, it transforms the smart phone into a phone for kids.. It blocks all apps that have important information stored such as accounts and passwords and enabled a few apps that are dedicated only to children.

You get a camera app where you can add funny things to a subject such as hats, crowns and mustaches, a drawing app with basic tools such as brushes, erasers and pencils and a gallery where all the drawings are stored. A funny app that is available on this mode is also Kid Recording. Basically, the app records the child’s voice and then repeats it with funny animals voices such as crocodiles and mice.


It is a very useful app when your kid always gets your phone to play and you are afraid that he might delete something important. At the moment, this feature is officially available only on the Galaxy S5 but you can also install it on the Galaxy Note 3.

Install Guide

Step 1 – Download Kid Mode application here and install it as a normal app but don’t open it yet.

Step 2 – Go to the widget drawer, find Kid Mode widget and put it into your home screen.

Step 3 – Using a Root File Explorer, go to “System” folder and find a file called build.prop and open it with a text editor.

Step 4 – Inside the file find ‘ro.product.model=’ and whatever is after the ‘model=’ part, delete it and type ‘SM-G900I’. This will trick the app into thinking that the Galaxy Note 3 is a Galaxy S5. Save the file and reboot your phone.

Step 5 – Then simply open the app, download the required data and you are done. Now, you can change ‘ro.product.model=’ as it was before if you want.