Improve Galaxy S6 Camera Quality Video & Image With Camera Mod

In this guide, we will talk about a camera mod designed for the Samsung Galaxy S6 which enhances, as well as increases video and image quality and removes various restrictions like video recording time, flash restriction and low battery restriction.

The Samsung Galaxy S6 is the latest toy from Samsung. It features excellent high-end specifications which have attracted millions of Android enthusiasts. One of the biggest key aspects of the Samsung Galaxy S6 is the camera. The Galaxy S6 has a 16 MP camera with f/1.9 aperture for high quality images and videos in low light situations. The camera lens is also wider so more action can get into the picture.

It is safe to say that the Galaxy S6 has the perfect camera. But living in the Android world for many years, the word “excellent” does not exist. There is always a developer that makes the best better, and one of those is “amk19”, a senior member of XDA forums.

He has created a mod which increases the camera quality of the Samsung Galaxy S6. The camera mod enhances the image and video quality, and removes restrictions set by Samsung. Here are the most important features of the camera mod.

Increased image quality:

  • Increased to 100% for Normal Mode
  • Increased to 100% for Burst Mode.

Increased video quality (bitrate):

  • UHD: 48Mbits to 65Mbits
  • QHD: 25Mbits to 48Mbits
  • FHD: 17Mbits to 25Mbits
  • FHD_60FPS: 28Mbits to 50Mbit
  • HD: 10Mbits to 17Mbits.

Audio bitrate has also been updated from 128kbps to 192kbps.

Video recording limits has been removed. With the mod, you can record 20 minutes of 4K UHD videos from 5 minutes and 30 minutes of FHD 1080p videos from 10 minutes. You can use the flashlight even when the battery level is at 15% and the camera app if the battery is below 5%.

How to install camera mod and improve quality on Galaxy S6

This mode works on all unlocked variants of the Samsung Galaxy S6. Do not try it on any other Samsung devices. You need root access (how to root) and a root file explorer.


  1. Extract the camera mod zip file and move the files to a secure folder.
  2. Using a file explorer, go to system/app and replace the stock SamsungCamera4.apk file.
  3. Navigate to system/etc and replace the media_profiles.xml file.
  4. Set the correct permissions and reboot your phone.

Enjoy a better Samsung Galaxy S6 camera with higher quality images and video recordings.
