When browsing on different social medias such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Tapatalk you always see shortened url links instead of the original ones.
For example, you see a user on Twitter wvot has published a tweet. He says that he found a cool website that you should check out and has given a link below. However, the link is not website’s original address but it is shortened and it starts with bit.ly or goo.gl.
In this case you wonder whether to click the link or not because you don’t know what website will open.
What if you would know the address of the link before clicking it? You can do so by unmasking and resolving them with Short URL Resolver.
Short URL Resolver is a handy app which tells you the destination page of every shortened url. When you see a short link, click it and you’ll be given to choose from two options – Open the browser or Short URL Resolver.
You select the app and without leaving your current page, it will scan the selected link. After a few seconds it will give you the link that the short URL was going to direct you. It’s very simple to do it and sometimes it’s quite useful.
Short URL Resolver is very light, easy to launch and doesn’t waste battery life. It supports many shortened URLs such as goo.gl, youtu.be, bit.ly, t.co and many more.