How To Enable Tegra 4 Effects on Dead Trigger 2 For Non Tegra Devices

Dead Trigger 2 just got released a few days ago bringing many improvements and better graphics. The problem is that not all effects are enabled on non Tegra 4 devices. So you have worse graphics and can’t make them better.

Or can you? Actually you can. The “good” graphics are available, but disabled for non Tegra 4 devices. So what you have to do in order to get all the effects is to enable “Ultra High Graphic” option.


To do that, you have to use a special file manager like Es File Explorer. Now go to Data/Data and find com.madfingergames.deadtrigger2 folder. Then select shared_prefs and edit com.madfingergames.deadtrigger2.xml file.

Inside this file you will find many options, but you have to focus in two options: “UnityGraphicsQuality” and “OptionsGraphicDetail”. You will see that values of these options are 0 or 1. You will change these values to 3. Then save the edited file and open the game.

If you go to Settings you’ll notice that Graphics Quality is still High, but don’t worry. Tegra 4 effects are already enabled. Enjoy. ..
