Galaxy S5 Theme & Apps for Galaxy Note 2 (Including Ultra Power saving Mode)

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is receiving a lot of Galaxy S5 features lately. Many apps and themes have been released that you can install on your Note 2 and make it to look like the new Samsung’s flagship device.

However, it is a real pain to gather all the themes and apps at the same place and flash them, simply because knowing which ones to download isn’t really that easy.

Also Read: How To Install Galaxy Note 2 Official KitKat 4.4.2 Update

The good news for all Note 2 users have arrived. A mod has been compiled and released, containing full GS5 theme and all apps and features including Ultra Power Saving Mode feature, Settings User Interface App and new launcher with Magazine Home app.


What kind of apps and features does this mod has? This mod has all the possible Galaxy S5 apps and a few features that have just been ported.

Some of the apps are:

Toolbox feature
Ultra Power saving Mode
Dual Settings (Galaxy S5 and Note 3)
Launcher with Magazine Home app
Lock screen effect and wallpapers
Backup feature
SMS app with pop up notifications
Gallery (pending to add S Pen hovering feature)
Kids Mode
Baby cry detector
Memo app
My Files
Music Player
S Health
S Voice
Voice Recorder
Vip Mode


a) You need a rooted Galaxy Note 2 with custom recovery installed.

b) Your phone should have stock Samsung firmware and not custom AOSP/CM firmwares.

c) Android version must be only 4.4 KitKat and not earlier versions.

If you interested in downloading this mod and make your Galaxy Note 2 look like the new Galaxy S5, check out the XDA thread.
