Resurrection Remix has updated the Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9300 to Android 5.1.1 Lollipop after the latest release by recognized developer “varund7726”. The latest version of Resurrection Remix ROM brings Android 5.1.1 Lollipop and all its features to the Samsung Galaxy S3, one of the most popular devices that Samsung has ever created.
Developers have been working hard on the Samsung Galaxy S3, providing frequent updates with the latest version of Android. Since Samsung decided to drop the support for the Galaxy S3 without even releasing the Android 4.4 KitKat update, Galaxy S3 users have been relying on forum developers for getting the latest versions of Android.
Android 5.1.1 Lollipop made its appearance only a few days ago and one of the Samsung Galaxy S3 developers already managed to update the base of Resurrection Remix ROM to Android 5.1 Lollipop. As far as bugs and issues are concerned, Resurrection Remix includes all the bugs that come on every CyanogenMod 12.1 build with no individual issues.
How To Install Resurrection Remix Android 5.1.1 ROM on Galaxy S3 (GT-I9300)
Note: Installing a custom ROM such as Resurrection Remix can cause serious problems to your Samsung Galaxy S3. Please follow the instructions carefully. Also make sure you have the international Exynos variant of the device with build number GT-I9300.
Things you will need
Resurrection Remix 5.1.1 ROM:
Gapps: Android 5.1 Gapps
Recovery: Galaxy S3 Custom Recovery (TWRP/Philz)
Installing the ROM
- The first thing you should do is to move the Resurrection Remix ROM ZIP file and Google Gapps from your computer to your device. If you have already done so, read below.
- Make sure that the files are placed in the internal storage of the phone and can be easily accessed from the recovery.
- Press the power button and turn the phone off.
- Wait for a few seconds to make sure that the device is completely off.
- Now follow this key combination to boot into recovery mode: Power + Home + Volume Up.
- Once you are inside recovery, go to Backup/Restore and perform a Nandroid backup. This will backup everything stored on your device.
- Wipe cache, dalvik cache and perform a factory reset.
- Head over to “Install ZIP from SD Card” and choose the ROM and then do the same thing with the Lollipop Gapps file.
- Reboot the phone and enjoy Android 5.1 Lollipop on your Galaxy S3.