The first thing that most users do when they get their hands on the brand new Samsung Galaxy S6 and Samsung Galaxy S6 is to root the device and then install a custom recovery. With root access and the power of a custom recovery, the full potential power of the Samsung Galaxy S6 is unleashed.
The user can do anything he wants with the device including installing custom ROMs, kernels, mods, overclocking the CPU for better performance and even downclocking the frequency for better battery life. We already have some handy guides on how to root and install TWRP custom recovery on the Samsung Galaxy S6.
Lately, many users who have rooted and installed a custom recovery are reporting various issues with the device, the most important one being battery drain and the inability of the device to go into deep sleep mode.
When an Android device is not in use, it goes into deep sleep to save battery life. When the Galaxy S6 goes into this mode, there is no CPU usage and battery drain is minimal. But Galaxy S6 users are reporting that their units cannot go into deep sleep mode and there is a noticeable battery drain.
If you have rooted your Samsung Galaxy S6 or Galaxy S6 edge, the best way to check if your device is suffering from this problem is by charging the phone, clearing all apps and leaving it for a few hours. If after a few hours the battery has lost a noticeable amount of juice, your phone cannot go into deep sleep mode either.
How To Fix Galaxy S6 Battery Drain & No Deep Sleep Issue
1. Flash Stock Firmware
The best way to remove any sign of root from the Samsung Galaxy S6 is by flashing a stock firmware. This process will restore the device to its factory settings and remove root.
2. Apply Manual Fix
If you want to fix the issue but want to keep root, there is a manual fix that you can apply to make the phone go into deep sleep.
- Download and install Terminal Emulator from the Play Store.
- Open the app and type in SU. You will be prompted to grant root access.
- Enter this code which contains the patch:
mount -o rw,remount /system /system mkdir /system/su.d chmod 0700 /system/su.d echo "#!/tmp-mksh/tmp-mksh" > /system/su.d/000000deepsleep echo "echo 'temporary none' > /sys/class/scsi_disk/0:0:0:1/cache_type" >> /system/su.d/000000deepsleep chmod 0700 /system/su.d/000000deepsleep reboot
This will apply the patch and your Galaxy S6 will finally be able to go into deep sleep and prevent battery drain.