Download Xperia Pack (Apps, Libs) for HTC One

You can enhance your HTC One’s media functions with different mods and tweaks. A good mod is Xperia Pack. This pack gets updated regularly and it’s based on latest Xperia apps and libraries.

It is a good option for everyone who has a HTC One and wants to improve its media functions. If you want to install this pack, make sure to not have any mod with similar functions installed as it may not work and can cause problems.


What does this pack offer? Smother volume adjustment, higher speaker volume, image quality tweaks and different features like MotionGraph, SenseMe, Photo Editor and Graphics category.

Download Xperia Pack for HTC One here.

To install this pack, boot your phone into recovery mode and flash the downloaded zip file. Besides this pack, you can also install several useful apps like Sony Sound Enhancements for different effects such as ClearBass and ClearAudio, Walkman and DLNA category.

In order to use Sony Sound Enhancements you have to install Xperia Pack Helper Module which requires Xposed Framework. If you already have Xlosed Framework, just activate the helper module on Xposed Installer.
