Download CM13 Marshmallow ROM For Samsung Galaxy S6 SM-G920F

For the first time, the Samsung Galaxy S6 has received the first working CyanogenMod 13 Marshmallow custom ROM. A few weeks ago we saw a video showing a Samsung Galaxy S6 unit running on an extremely unstable AOSP ROM with developers stating that it would take months for a build to go public.

If you have been missing the stock experience and have grown tired of TouchWiz  on your Samsung Galaxy S6, now you can flash a beta build of CyannogenMod 13, all this thanks to senior member ‘sktjdgns118’. This is the first public CM13 build for the Galaxy S6. It is based on Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow and a few things are surprisingly working.

Basic 2D graphics, WiFi, Hotspot, audio, microphone, SMS, MMS, mobile data (RIL, 3G, LTE), GPS, NFC and MTP are fully working. However, camera, sensors and everything else are reported as unstable or not working. But this won’t stop you or any other Galaxy S6 user from installing this ROM.

CM13 is available for the following models:

  • Galaxy S6 International (SM-G920F/I, zerofltexx)
  • Galaxy S6 SK (SM-G920S, zeroflteskt)
  • Galaxy S6 KT (SM-G920K, zerofltektt)

If you own any of the models mentioned above, then you can continue with the guide below.

How to install CyanogenMod 13 Android 6.0.1 ROM on Galaxy S6

To install CM13 on your Samsung Galaxy S6 you need to download the ROM file and install a custom recovery such as TWRP or PhilZ. These are the only things you need to flash the ROM. Download CM13 ROM ( and install TWRP recovery on your Galaxy S6 and then follow the installation guide below.

Step 1. Download the CyanogenMod 13 ROM for the Galaxy S6 and move it to the internal storage of the phone. Google Gapps are not working at the moment with the ROM.

Step 2. Turn the phone off and boot into TWRP or Philz (power + home + volume up).

Step 3. While in recovery, go to ‘Wipe’ and swipe to perform a factory reset.

Step 4. Then go to ‘Install’ and navigate to the folder where the ROM is located and flash it.

Then reboot your phone. In just a few minutes, your Samsung Galaxy S6 will boot into CM13. Enjoy!

