Download Android L Wallpaper, Keyboard, Boot Animation and Font

Download and install Android L keyboard, wallpaper, boot animation and font on your Android device. One of the biggest changes of the new Android L OS is the user interface and redesigned visual components. Everything has visually changed. There is a new interesting boot animation, new flatter and simpler keyboard as well as a new roboto font.

The system dump for Android L has already been released and it can be installed on the Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 and many applications have been extracted and ported to work on stock AOSP ROMs. The current ported applications (features) are the new boot animation, wallpaper, new simpler and flatter keyboard and new font.

Also Read: Google Android L: Top 5 Features

Note: Applications above are designed to work on pure stock AOSP ROMs. If you try to install them on skinned versions of Android like TouchWiz, Sense and Timescape it might cause force closes.

Install Android L Keyboard

1. To install Android L Keyboard, download the package here and extract it.
2. Put file and libimegoogle folder to System > Lib folder and set the correct permissions respectively rw-r-r and dxwxr-xr-x.
3. Install the APK file and reboot your phone.

Install Android L Font and Boot Animation

1. Download Android L Boot Animation here and Android L Font here.
2.  Turn your phone off and put it in Recovery Mode.
3. Go to Install Zip file and select both the files downloaded above and install them.
4. Reboot your phone.

Download Android 5.0 L Wallpaper

1. Download wallpaper here.
2. Open the image and select Select Image as Wallpaper.
3. Select ok.
